Privacy Statement

This page has been translated from the official Japanese language version into English solely for the convenience of international readers. The Japanese original text shall prevail in case of any discrepancy.

Privacy Statement

Established August 1, 2000
Revised December 27, 2024
Career-tasu, Inc.
Masaro Niidome, President

Basic Philosophy

Career-tasu, Inc. contributes to the growth of people, companies, and societies through our human resource business that enables individuals to take an active role in companies and society, provides support for growth (support for personal growth), connects them with companies (support for human resource recruitment), and continues to support them in their activities after placement in companies (support for maximization of human resource potential).
Due to the nature of our business, we acquire a large amount of personal information. Career-tasu recognizes that protection of personal information is the highest priority of our corporate social responsibilities. In order to put this priority into continuous practice, we have established a Privacy Statement, which is available for public viewing on our Website. All of our company officers and employees strive to handle and manage personal information in compliance with the statement to ensure the appropriate acquisition, use, and provision of personal information. We are also committed to continuously improving our personal information protection management system.

  1. We comply with laws and regulations concerning handling of personal information, JIS Q 15001 requirements, national guidelines and other standards, and our company's internal rules and regulations.
  2. We appropriately acquire, use, consign, and provide personal information by clarifying the purposes for use of personal information, respecting the intentions and wishes of the individual, and taking into consideration the content and scope of our business. We implement measures to ensure that handling of personal information does not exceed the scope necessary for achieving the specified purposes for its use.
  3. We have set up a permanent personal information help desk to respond to complaints and inquiries, and we respond with integrity to the concerns of individuals with respect to handling of their personal information.
  4. We strictly store and manage the personal information in our possession, the personal information we acquire in order to perform work consignments, etc., and also the personal information of our employees, etc. We implement technically driven safety measures and promote thorough and constant adherence to the system we have established in order to prevent and correct dangers including unauthorized use of personal information and loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information.
  5. We have established a management system for protection of personal information and also make sure that our company officers and employees know, understand, and practice the company's internal rules and regulations.
  6. In consigning handling of personal information to outside organizations, we establish standards for selection of subcontractors and conclude a non-disclosure agreement before placing consignment orders, and implement strict management and supervision for the purpose of ensuring that the subcontractors maintain a personal information protection system comparable to our own.
  7. We conduct regularly scheduled audits and also review, reconsider, and continually improve our operation procedures and system for protection of personal information and the company's internal rules and regulations in response to establishment of and revisions to laws, regulations, governmental and societal standards, and the changing requirements of society in the endeavor to sustain and improve our personal information protection management system.


Career-tasu, Inc. was granted use of the PrivacyMark by JIPDEC on May 11, 2001. The PrivacyMark is granted to business operators that practice appropriate handling of personal information.プライバシーマーク

  1. We will not collect or use the personal information of any individual who accesses our Website without the consent of the individual.
  2. We use the personal information of individuals who consent to its use only within the range of use they consent to.
  3. The individual's personal information will not be provided or consigned for processing to third parties unless the individual consents to provision of the personal information.
  4. We strictly manage and safely store the personal information we collect.
  5. Please direct inquiries regarding correction, deletion, and handling of your personal information to the help desk below.


Career-tasu, Inc. Personal Information Help Desk
Iidabashi First Building 9F
2-5-1 Koraku, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0004
TEL: 0120-77-5078 (weekdays 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00)

Personal Information Protection Manager
Executive Officer in charge of Personal Information Protection,
Career-tasu, Inc.

[Name of accredited personal information protection organization and contact for complaint resolution]
*This contact only accepts complaints regarding the handling of personal information.
Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
TEL: 03-5860-7565, 0120-700-779