(Career Forum.Net)

CFN (Career Forum.Net)

Get Instant
Access to International Jobs

In addition to being the official website for our renowned 'Career Forum' series of job fairs, 'CFN' is an invaluable tool for job-seekers and recruiters alike. In a matter of seconds, members can search for jobs and access content specifically geared towards Japanese-English bilinguals.

Beyond Career Support

After registering online, CFN members are able to access our comprehensive and constantly updated list of global job opportunities. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. CFN also features information on the latest employment trends, news and advice for bilingual and multicultural job-seekers, and even expert-led online seminars. Moreover, by logging on simultaneously with other members, you can participate in live Q&A sessions and expand your support network.

A Gold Mine for Employers

The CFN enables employers to access highly skilled Japanese-English bilingual job-seekers, including MBA holders and experts in technical fields. Using our online recruiting tools, company representatives can post job openings and information about their businesses. In addition, the CFN makes it easy to receive and screen applications. After finding attractive candidates, employers can use our tools to both contact them and schedule online interviews.

Prepare for an Online Career Forum

Using the CFN tools described above, Career Forum participants can spend their limited time more effectively when the actual job fair rolls around. Employees and job-seekers are able to screen each other ahead of time and tailor their schedules around the companies and candidates that best meet their criteria.